Downtown was jammed with the floating, lunatic street party of Olympic pin dealers, shouting evangelists, hot dog hawkers and Peruvian musicians, and bruised or not, Atlanta's wasn't quite over.
For those who prefer more-sedentary pursuits, the Hewlett-Woodmere Library has booked Bolivia Masis, a group of Peruvian musicians, for a 1:30 P.M. concert.
They ate chocolate mice at Burdick's and then they stood in front of the Harvard Coop and listened to Peruvian musicians.
As the boys prepare for their mission, Peruvian musicians still interned in the camp warn guards that their captivity will unleash the "Furry Death".
On June 3, 1987 Cavero, was honoured together with important Peruvian musicians like guitar player Óscar Avilés in Washington, D. C. by the Organization of American States.
Giancarlo Condemarín- a Peruvian musician.
At his young age, Constantini is already one of the most notable Peruvian musicians on the international scene.
Like the Peruvian musicians and Mr. Sepulveda, who gets annoyed at the noise level from all the bands, Mr. Gomes is not happy about his musical competition.
Flórez also appeared on the 2-sol stamp, part of a series of five stamps honouring contemporary Peruvian musicians issued on November 29, 2004.
Andrés Bretel (born 24 June 1978) is a Peruvian musician and record producer.