She began her career in aerial photography in 1976 in the Peruvian desert.
Archaeologist Ruth Shady further explored the 5,000 year-old city of pyramids in the Peruvian desert, with its elaborate complex of temples, an amphitheater and ordinary houses.
From high above, the maze of geometric designs is reminiscent of the Nazca lines, those mysteries of the Peruvian desert.
Extreme examples are provided by the Peruvian desert, normally very dry due to the cold northward-flowing Humboldt current along the coast.
Evidence for similar water action in the Peruvian desert has been described by Bosworth (1922).
Dating the geometric Nasca lines in the Peruvian desert.
This is a xerophytic group endemic to the Peruvian and Chilean deserts and adjacent Argentina.
Like the whales and monkey, the Nazca spider is another species not indigenous to the Peruvian desert.
The Nazca lines in the Peruvian desert form patterns which are only really visible from the air.
Sucalos also believes aliens were involved with the Nazca Lines, enormous geoglyphs stretching across the Peruvian desert.