Strangely enough, being in jail has gotten me more interested in Peruvian culture.
And much of the décor at Cholita reflects ancient Peruvian culture.
Yet there's another side to Peruvian culture, the African side.
It also reveals a Golden Age of ancient Peruvian culture.
Valdivia-Baselli's research has focused on the literary response to various aspects of Peruvian culture.
There are archeological remains that show evidence of ancient Peruvian cultures that existed over 20,000 years ago.
But precious metals were in shorter supply than in earlier Peruvian cultures.
Thus there is economic and social pressure to learn Spanish and assimilate to the general Peruvian culture.
It would be a thousand years before the rise of the next great Peruvian culture, the Chavín.
The gold and silver coated magical complex religious symbolism in all Peruvian cultures.