The Peruvian army lost 185 officers, and more than 3,000 soldiers died.
Faced with this grave threat, the Peruvian army retreated north.
The Peruvian army had losses estimated in about 3,200 men (30.4% of their total force), but it's not been confirmed with official reports.
He visited several foreign institutions as an official representative of the Peruvian army, also without authorization.
Is not being considered as an option for upgrade by the Peruvian Army.
As his father he became coronel, but the Peruvian Army.
In 1829, the city was invaded by the Peruvian Army, which occupied it for seven months.
Lindley had a successful career within the military, and in 1960 he became general commander of the Peruvian Army.
The rationale given by the Peruvian Army was "renovation" of the institution.
The conflict ceased with the Peruvian Army gaining control of the disputed area.