Michael Southwell, a reporter for Channel 9, said he was roughed up by people working for Channel 7 when he tried to take his camera crew into the public reception room of a Perth hospital where Mr. Bullimore went for treatment.
A third death occurred when a man who was transferred to a Perth hospital on 11 March died due to the injuries received when the cyclone hit at the Fortescue camp.
Robert Hughes Injured in Crash Robert Hughes, the Australian art critic and author, was in serious but stable condition in a Perth hospital after being badly injured in a car crash in Australia's remote northwest, officials said.
After his brief marriage broke down he was institutionalised in Graylands, a Perth mental hospital.
Walters was diagnosed with leukemia at the age of six, but overcame the cancer after spending a year in a Perth hospital in 2003.
Some children required specialised medical attention and attendance at Perth hospitals however, and so Ruth Lefroy purchased a cottage at Roleystone.
Constable is also a consultant ophthalmologist to six Perth hospitals, including Royal Perth Hospital and Princess Margaret Hospital for Children.
Smith trained at the Children's and Perth hospitals and became a registered nurse in 1933.
The survivor died five days later in a Perth hospital.