The question these four minutes left with viewers was whether as the Perot policies are more closely defined, the Perot phenomenon will fade.
Short of that, Democrats and Republicans can both spin the Perot phenomenon their way.
The Perot phenomenon illustrates another case in point.
The only thing is that real reform will also have to reach the Perot phenomenon itself.
In the case of the Perot phenomenon that shoe fits.
There are already signs of the Perot phenomenon repeating itself.
It says something about the mood of voters in the state and what befuddled pundits are calling the Perot phenomenon.
So far, the Perot phenomenon seems to have one central feature in common with the 100 third-party efforts that have arisen since 1840.
"We first saw that in '92 with the Perot phenomenon," he said.
The poll suggested that the Perot phenomenon was broad and diffuse, as befits a candidacy rooted in a series of television interviews earlier this year.