Researchers at the Human Performance Laboratory have suggested people refrain from mixing such powerful stimulants with alcohol, they believe it might cause cardiopulmonary or cardiovascular failures.
The Physical Education department won a grant to purchase equipment for a Human Performance Laboratory.
Bury's Quigg (24-0-1) spent a day with his strength and conditioning coach Ric Moylan University of Salford, Human Performance Laboratory.
The Human Performance Laboratory opened in 1997 and contains a range of facilities which are pertinent to the specialist research which takes place at the college.
Michael Esco, professor; co-director, Human Performance Laboratory, Auburn University, Montgomery, Ala.
The specialist advisory service includes the sports scientists in the Human Performance Laboratory at Jordanstown and the physiotherapists who staff the Sports Injuries Clinic.
The scientist, Dr. Edward Coyle, director of the Human Performance Laboratory at the University of Texas, has studied cyclists for 25 years.
But this is the Human Performance Laboratory, and so the suggestions are a bit different.
The Human Performance Laboratory is a male domain; for some reason, Dr. Costill says, women seldom apply.
Inside was a newspaper advertisement for a job directing a new center, the Human Performance Laboratory at Ball State.