Only 12 American planes have been lost as a result of combat, far fewer loses than the Pentagon had warned President Bush to expect.
The Pentagon warned McDonnell Douglas it would end the troubled C-17 cargo plane program unless it was overhauled.
The Pentagon has warned that it would take at least a year to be certain that all of Mr. Hussein's weapons stores were destroyed.
The Pentagon warned that "Individuals who leak or purport to leak classified information are doing serious harm to national security; such activity is deplorable and may be illegal."
The Pentagon has already warned the I.N.C. that it will not bail it out if it gets into another Erbil-like mess.
As the months dragged on with no action, the Pentagon warned that without prompt financing, the armed services would have to begin canceling training exercises.
Last May, after the Pentagon warned that Guantanamo had been stretched beyond capacity, President Bush authorized the summary repatriation of Haitians without an asylum hearing.
Bush administration, Pentagon and senior military officials warned that such an extreme measure would have serious legal and political implications.
But a Pentagon official warned that Sandinista troops remained massed on their side of the Honduran border and could resume an assault at any time.
The New York Times reported that the Pentagon had warned the administration that "Milosevic was likely to strike out viciously against Kosovo Albanians."