The Pentagon will not disclose the unit's precise size, the names of its commanders, its operating bases or specific missions.
As the Pentagon disclosed the shooting at the helicopters, it also announced that it had resumed relief flights.
The Pentagon did not immediately disclose the names of the American servicemen involved in the engagement.
The decision to send the Kennedy came as the Pentagon disclosed further details about the buildup of American forces in the region.
The Pentagon has not disclosed its projected output cost for the A-12, but the design and development cost was $4 billion.
The Pentagon has officially disclosed the loss of 14 American and allied planes in combat.
The Pentagon still has not disclosed the forces that the United States is prepared to contribute to any strikes.
The Pentagon did not disclose which units or how many men were involved.
The Pentagon did not disclose how many troops were involved or other details, because operations are still under way.
For one thing, the Pentagon might not disclose how well the system performed.