With more old Pentagon contracts winding down and fewer new ones coming along, he said, 450,000 more will be out of work by 1996.
Each of these men's states is heavily committed to Pentagon contracts; a few less than the others, but they're a minority-window dressing.
They weren't just a defense contractor grabbing secret Pentagon contracts.
Since the beginning of 2001, prime Pentagon contracts awarded to the top 10 arms makers have nearly doubled, to $82.3 billion in 2003.
He said the border security project was similar in size and scale to the Pentagon contract.
A Pentagon contract enables a producer to spread production costs over a larger number of rockets.
It was the No.1 recipient of Pentagon primary contracts, with $21.9 billion in fiscal 2003.
Such a refusal would bar them from receiving any Pentagon contracts valued at more than $100,000.
Some are on military duty, others veterans working for private companies under Pentagon contracts.
Most of the companies whose stocks were hit the hardest rely heavily or exclusively on Pentagon contracts.
With more old Pentagon contracts winding down and fewer new ones coming along, he said, 450,000 more will be out of work by 1996.
Each of these men's states is heavily committed to Pentagon contracts; a few less than the others, but they're a minority-window dressing.
They weren't just a defense contractor grabbing secret Pentagon contracts.
Since the beginning of 2001, prime Pentagon contracts awarded to the top 10 arms makers have nearly doubled, to $82.3 billion in 2003.
He said the border security project was similar in size and scale to the Pentagon contract.
A Pentagon contract enables a producer to spread production costs over a larger number of rockets.
It was the No.1 recipient of Pentagon primary contracts, with $21.9 billion in fiscal 2003.
Such a refusal would bar them from receiving any Pentagon contracts valued at more than $100,000.
Some are on military duty, others veterans working for private companies under Pentagon contracts.
Most of the companies whose stocks were hit the hardest rely heavily or exclusively on Pentagon contracts.