Later reports, while not confirmed, said the entity was the Pennzoil Company.
That deal broke up a merger arrangement between Getty and the Pennzoil Company.
Her father retired as the chief financial officer of the Pennzoil Company in Houston.
It filed for bankruptcy in an effort to continue its appeal of a $10.3 billion judgment that had been awarded to the Pennzoil Company.
And the Pennzoil Company said its profits declined 70.4 percent.
Earlier this month, the Pennzoil Company said its future exploration efforts would mainly be abroad.
The Pennzoil Company said it would shift the focus of its oil and gas exploration to outside the United States.
Among the new corporate issues priced yesterday was a $150 million 10-year note offering from the Pennzoil Company.
The Pennzoil Company said its continuing operations posted solid gains in the second quarter although net income fell sharply.
Texaco has been in Federal bankruptcy proceedings because of its legal dispute with the Pennzoil Company.