One of its divisions, the Pennsylvania Reserves, was eventually sent to join the main army in June.
His batteries supported the attack of the Pennsylvania Reserves on the Confederate right flank at the latter battle.
The following month the 3-year enlistments of the 3rd Pennsylvania Reserves ran out.
After the breakthrough of the Pennsylvania Reserves, his command was brought forward to help fill a gap in the line.
The unit served as part of the Pennsylvania Reserves for the majority of its service with the Union Army.
Stone first served as major of the 13th Pennsylvania Reserves, a regiment that saw action at several early war battles, including Antietam.
By contrast, the Pennsylvania Reserves under Crawford were relatively lightly engaged.
He engaged in several battles, was wounded, and later became a captain of the 5th Pennsylvania Reserves.
In October, it became part of the 2nd Brigade of the Pennsylvania Reserves.
After relocating to the east, Ord's first assignment was as a brigade commander in the Pennsylvania Reserves.