It may also increase your chance of getting a pelvic infection.
Still, these methods have never really caught on among women for several reasons, including concern about side effects such as pelvic infections.
Scarring may also be caused by some severe pelvic infections.
Some women develop a pelvic infection - more likely in younger women who have several sexual partners.
Have been treated for a vaginal, cervical, or pelvic infection.
But pelvic infections, especially those caused by sexually transmitted diseases, can occur at any time.
Because a pelvic infection can make a woman infertile, women who have never been pregnant are advised not to use the devices.
A pelvic infection had left her barren and Harley's family would no longer condone their marriage.
Ask your doctor about your personal risk and about ways to help prevent a pelvic infection.
May raise the risk of pelvic infections, irreversible, expensive.