The upstairs gallery houses a wall from the cartoonist's former home in Colorado, which he painted with 1950's renditions of the Peanuts gang.
The Peanuts gang is to be part of the new campaign, Ms. Srere said, adding that details would come later.
There are three months of school left and all of the Peanuts gang are under pressure from too many tests and homework assignments.
But the Peanuts gang is nothing if not reliable, so in this amusing and appealing animated video, they enthusiastically make plans for the big event.
Halloween, too, has its legends, and no one who grew up with the Peanuts gang can think of Halloween without the Great Pumpkin.
He and his studio worked on every single television special and direct-to-video film for the Peanuts gang and Melendez directed the majority of them.
With autumn already in full swing, the Peanuts gang prepares for Halloween.
In the film's least realistic choice, the characters live in a world without visible parents, as if they were the "Peanuts" gang run amok.
A series of vignettes are strung together regarding the Peanuts gang.
"Clouds" - The Peanuts gang lay about in a grassy meadow, talking about what they see in the clouds.