One of the most frequent complaints about the Peak Tower is that the lower floors only have a single men's bathroom and a single women's bathroom.
Mr Chen's apartment building was very high on the Peak, much higher than the Peak Tower.
The Peak Tower had closed up for the night.
Peak Tower: Tourist sightseeing spot at the top of the Peak Tram.
Fashionable Cantonese restaurant in the shopping complex across the road from the Peak Tower.
The best time to go is before 9:30 a.m., with breakfast at the Pacific Coffee shop in the Peak Tower.
Trying to make their presence apparent, Marissa and Tristan circled the Peak Tower a number of times.
Since setting up his practice in Hong Kong in 1990 he has designed the Peak Tower,which is 396m high.
The current Peak Tower is the second on the site.
The current Peak Tower was the work of the British architect Terry Farrell, and was completed in 1997.