He was also active in Peace Action for a Sane World, a disarmament organization.
He is on the board of Peace Action and Sojourners.
Peace Action has over 100,000 members who belong to over 70 autonomous affiliate and chapter organizations.
In December 2006 Peace Action began a petition to prevent war with Iran to date there are over 44,000 names.
Peace Action has 100 chapters nationwide with a network of over 100,000 paying members.
Peace Action's goal is to organize the nation around issues of peace and justice through protests, congressional action, and lobby days.
Also that year, Peace Action joined human rights groups to stop major weapons sales to Indonesia and Turkey.
According to Peace Action, the U.S. has more than 10,500 nuclear warheads in its stockpile.
Van Gosse, an official with Peace Action, said the group had nearly 200,000 paid members at its peak in the late 1980's.
And we have Peace Action here, and they have vigils.