The house was moved to its present site in 1910 and restored by the Peabody Essex Museum.
Some of the furnishings were removed and eventually ended up in the Peabody Essex Museum.
One of his works can be found at the Peabody Essex Museum.
The second owner was a founder of the Peabody Essex Museum.
Weld also made major contributions to the Peabody Essex Museum.
In 2011, the Peabody Essex Museum announced it had raised $550 million with plans to raise an additional $100 million by 2016.
Later sketchbooks are in the collection at the Peabody Essex Museum.
In comparison, a guard makes $9 an hour with no benefits working at the Peabody Essex Museum.
Pickman also helped found what is today's Peabody Essex Museum.
It is now operated by the Peabody Essex Museum and open to the public.