The patients they treat tend to be younger, female and better educated.
The problem is that many prospective patients treat medical tourism the same way as online shopping.
Limited time spent reflecting on automatic thoughts would lead patients to treat them as valid.
Patients treated with cognitive behavioral therapy reduced by an average of 54 percent the time they spent awake in the night.
Patients treated for depression score higher on IQ tests than before treatment.
After 1974, "almost 3,000" patients were treated for ocular (eye) diseases.
When patients treat themselves for a minor ailment, general advice from a magazine is not harmful, doctors mostly agreed.
Hence the decision on which patients to treat should be based on the prognostic factors and the risk of progression.
Most patients treating themselves "daily" (6x/week) with daytime hemodialysis use session lengths of 2-3 hours.
News that patients treated at the hospital were recovering encouraged many people to believe that medicine was gaining control of the fever.