One can hear the Passover story, for example, in Handel's remarkable but too rarely heard oratorio "Israel in Egypt."
"It's the symbolic way of acknowledging adoption in the Passover story."
He'll always retell the Passover story of the Israelites' exodus from bondage in Egypt.
To the Editor: David Brooks makes an analogy between the war in Iraq and the Passover story.
This section describes the commandment not to eat or possess chametz on Passover and to tell the Passover story.
The answers retell the Passover story.
The Passover story we re-tell is replete with miracles.
It was three weeks before Passover, and he was talking about the Passover story: the meaning of the exodus from Egypt, the four questions, the importance of joy.
"His first season became my Passover story, a fable of freedom, to be retold again and again to keep memory alive."
Does Mr. Jaffe have any concern that reducing Moses and Pharaoh to hand puppets could trivialize the importance of the Passover story?