Cleese recited all the synonyms for being deceased from the legendary Dead Parrot sketch, which they had written.
At the end, another customer enters, complaining that his bride is dead - a reference to the Dead Parrot sketch.
Over the years, Cleese and Palin have done many versions of the "Dead Parrot" sketch for various television shows, record albums, and live performances.
A joke dated circa A.D. 400, recently translated from Greek, shows similarities to the Parrot sketch.
The Marriage Emporium - pays homage to Monty Python's Cheese Shop sketch and Dead Parrot sketch.
This is a reference to the "Dead Parrot" sketch from Monty Python's Flying Circus.
We knew the "Dead Parrot" sketch by heart.
True to its title, the popular Dead Parrot sketch was not included.
The game over screen spoofs the Monty Python's Flying Circus "Dead Parrot" sketch, referring to the droid rather than a parrot.
There is even a joke similar to Monty Python's "Dead Parrot" sketch: a man buys a slave, who dies shortly afterwards.