Parliament, in alarm, set about the formation of a new general service force on 12 July.
Parliament must also endorse the nomination, and set a date for a referendum to confirm the choice.
How are you going to cope with the framework that this Parliament has set?
Parliament must set an example if it does not want to lose its credibility.
In its first reading, Parliament set it at 0.5%, and the Council is now proposing 0.9%.
This Parliament should set an example with working conditions, but it is hopelessly behind what have long been perfectly normal standards.
However, we think that Parliament has set a clear line as regards an environmental impact assessment, which we support and welcome.
Our Parliament must set an example for the other institutions.
Parliament must set an example, for us to recover from the financial crisis and regain the public's confidence.
The issue is certain to be back on the table when the new Parliament sets about writing a permanent constitution.