From Park Rd, you'll see 18,000ft of rock, snow and glacier reaching for the sky.
Located just a few metres from the home is the 536 bus stop on the corners of Park Rd and High Street.
When originally planned, the entrance to the neighborhood was concentrated on Manning Dr. off of Park Rd.
New Commandment purchased 625 Park Rd in 1995 for $600,000.
There was a branch of Stanley Co-op at the bottom of Park Rd and a glove factory above it.
No special permit is needed to cycle on Park Rd, but biking off-road is prohibited.
It's far easier hiking this trail downhill from the headquarters end, where the trail begins just before Park Rd.
To take these buses you must have a campsite or backcountry unit reserved along Park Rd, or be toting a bicycle.
It is located at 1336-1338 Park Rd.
It is located between Park Rd and South Blvd.