The style in France was initially a Parisian style, the 'Goût grec', not a court style.
And so went the show: grown-up Parisian styles interspersed with junior sportswear or little-girl dresses worn with ankle socks.
The rooms in which guests were received - the salons, billiard room and library - are decorated elegantly in Parisian style.
His engravings, like many published images of couture presentations today, show the extreme and fantastical elements of Parisian style.
The Parisian style, with its utter clarity and refinement, enhances the formal beauties of Petipa's abstract choreography in this act.
Guimard's entrances to the Paris Metro stations are icons of Parisian style.
Pineau's designs were well represented in engravings, which disseminated Parisian styles across Europe.
She wore a spectacular blue gown, cut in a style more Parisian than anything fashionable on Tran.
But these new Parisian styles should not be interpreted as examples of designers deliberately turning their backs on working-women's needs.
Housings were built in typical Parisian style, with a majority of Haussmannian buildings.