So when the Parisian restaurant said they wanted an appetizer, my mother came up with this.
There is a good and logical reason for Parisian restaurants to seat Americans in the same part of the room.
That's not the fault of the Parisian restaurants.
The young women transform themselves then into goddesses for one evening relaxation in a large Parisian restaurant.
Much of what appears on a plate in Parisian restaurants can also be found nowadays at their American counterparts.
Macaroni and cheese can be found in fine Parisian restaurants.
Bennett was initially inspired to write the book by a chance encounter in a Parisian restaurant.
He stays put in public, for instance on a chair in the author's favorite Parisian restaurant.
He worked in a number of Parisian restaurants, including Taillevent.
Taillevent, another Parisian restaurant, is also sometimes mentioned as a source.