The Reys ended up in the Parisian neighborhood of Montmartre, where they began writing and illustrating children's books.
Outside, she cannot find the car and wanders into a sleepy Parisian neighborhood.
She was interred at Passy Cemetery in the same exclusive Parisian neighborhood where she had lived.
With the excessive enthusiasm that characterized the age, Baron Haussmann's urban planning redeveloped old Parisian neighborhoods to create a more airy and spacious capital.
But the "permanent porosity and mobility" of his Parisian neighborhood "fragmented his vision, uncentered his sentiments."
She and Ching Gonzalez could have been working-class people from a remote Parisian neighborhood where immigrants had settled.
In 1839, the Frères des écoles chrétiennes opened a boarding school in the Parisian neighborhood of Passy.
The tour featured some great food, without question, and let us explore a classic Parisian neighborhood, but it was more than that.
Her family had lived in this Parisian neighborhood for seven generations.
Decouvrir Paris has many tours of Parisian neighborhoods and buildings.