Mr. Heneker and his collaborators Julian More and Monty Norman found ways to Anglicize the French musical "Irma la Douce" (by Marguerite Monnot and Alexandre Breffort) without losing the original Parisian atmosphere.
Between 1928 and 1929 Quinto Martini went to Turin for military service, where he moved in bohemian cafés and cultural circles enlivened by a Parisian avant-garde atmosphere.
With the Parisian atmosphere of its Cafe de la Paix and the child-pleasing ice cream sodas and stuffed animals of Rumpelmayer's, the St. Moritz has been an elegant presence on the southeast corner of Central Park South and the Avenue of the Americas since 1931.
The mansion adds a Parisian atmosphere to the hotel, with its stone façade and Belle Époque style.
The peaceful Parisian atmosphere he had enjoyed had been shattered by quarrels and attacks instigated by enemies of the expatriate black writers.
Like Toulouse-Lautrec, he was attracted to brothels, as is evident in his so-called Dessins à la Lanterne (lantern drawings), reflecting the mood, feeling, and his ability to understand the Parisian atmosphere during the 1920's and 1930's in Paris.
Le Gamin +++ (212) 254-4678 50 Macdougal Street, south of Houston Street SoHo $ Cash only The Parisian atmosphere is as thick as the Gitanes smoke in this little sliver of Paris.
Mr. Zencey's prose is studded with vivid and ingenious images, and the Parisian atmosphere is powerfully evoked.
No offense nonsmokers, but this is just the sort of place - madcap art, antique store furniture, a vibe that jukes between folk and punk rock, lush gardens and a perfect Parisian bohemian atmosphere - that demands the accompaniment of clouds of tobacco smoke.
C Map 'The Time of Cherries' (ie 'days of wine and roses' to English speakers), an easygoing restaurant run by a workers' cooperative for three decades, offers faithfully solid fare in a quintessentially Parisian atmosphere.