She made her Paris debut 12 years ago as Bess.
After her Paris debut at the Comédie-Française in 1717, she was immensely popular with the public, until her mysterious death.
When he made his Paris debut in 1843 he included a piece for the left hand alone.
His official Paris debut in 1924, attended by the city's musical elite, created a sensation.
Two years ago he played in Moscow and this spring made his Paris debut.
He made his Paris debut last season with 14 styles and sold 52 pieces.
The pianist studied in Berlin after leaving Lodz and was invited to make his Paris debut at the age of 17.
He made his Paris debut in 1934, and was at first a specialist in his father's piano music.
After his sensational Paris debut in 1887, one adoring critic called him "an archangel come down to earth."
Two years later, after celebrating the 50th anniversary of her Paris debut, she died at 68.