I could never completely dump Paragon Sports.
Paragon Sports will register gifts ranging from pup tents to kerosene lamps for enthusiasts of hiking, biking, golf, tennis or other outdoor activities.
All at Paragon Sports, 867 Broadway.
"It has definitely grown up," said Ira Rosh, who oversees the mammoth winter sporting goods section at Paragon Sports in Manhattan.
But Bob Gilman, chief operating officer at Paragon Sports on Broadway and 18th Street, doesn't understand why a study is needed.
At Paragon Sports in lower Manhattan, a salesman who declined to give his name said that he had sold seven "Knoblauch" jerseys yesterday.
At Paragon Sports, 867 Broadway.
At Paragon Sports.
The child-size Skeeter by Camelbak holds one liter of water and has a built-in straw; $24.99 at Paragon Sports, (800) 961-3030, or www.paragonsports.com.
For wedding gifts, they registered at Paragon Sports.