You can't watch the beginning of a show while you're still recording the end, as you can on some Panasonic models.
It's available on several Panasonic models, including the PV-4764, priced at $1,000.
To find TBC in this Panasonic model tagged at $1,599 is a reminder that progress consists not merely of new technology.
Some Panasonic models contain a single mono speaker, mounted on the bottom, that uses a membrane made from materials more commonly found in outdoor clothing.
That capability has been featured on several Panasonic models before.
A $200 Toshiba model and a $230 Panasonic model were at the top of Amazon's list on Friday.
The Panasonic models are all about call management; to your multiple lines and multiple handsets, each model adds multiple voice mailboxes.
Setup of the ReplayTV receiver (a Panasonic model) required more time, largely because it had more customizable features.
Unlike Sony's Editing Controller, the Panasonic model is not strictly an editing device.
It was a pack-in game for Panasonic models of the 3DO later in the console's life.