It's a corporate subsidy, but I don't hear too many Ford workers or their union complaining about those shiny new cars for the Panamanian police.
Travel to the Darien province should be conducted only with an organised group, and to recognised tourist destinations protected by the Panamanian police.
But in the latest incident, uniformed and plainclothes Panamanian police are accused of acting outside legal guidelines.
Steve tries to help him avoid the Panamanian police but Windy is thrown in jail.
In two and a half years, the Panamanian police have gone through six chiefs.
One shows the Panamanian police escorting him to the Costa Rican border as the public waves him on.
Michael ultimately apprehends Bagwell by viciously impaling his remaining hand to the floor and leaving him for the Panamanian police.
Then came the anonymous phone calls, including one he received shortly after accompanying a group of Panamanian police as they tried to intercept a drug shipment.
Lincoln kills the assassin in a fight, and gets arrested by the Panamanian police.
American soldiers and the Panamanian police guarded the building and kept onlookers and journalists away.