In September 2004 it was given its present name in honour of the Palestinian scholar and musician Edward Said.
"At the last moment he is thinking only of heaven," said a Palestinian religious scholar in Hebron.
"We are really feeling very good about ourselves," said a Palestinian scholar.
The dispute among Palestinian scholars over ordination ended with Berab's death some years later.
Palestinian scholars of this period whose Responsa merit mention are:
At this juncture, Edward Said, the Palestinian scholar and Columbia professor, was unwittingly swept into the narrative.
A great Palestinian scholar, Walid Khalidi, was right when he told Israelis years ago: "We are your passport to the hinterland."
Boukra," a Palestinian scholar in Jerusalem explained with a laugh, "is a lot like manana.
Luliani ben Tabrin was a Palestinian scholar of the beginning of the fourth century.
"Saudi Arabia in fact called upon Arab nations to boycott the conference," said the Palestinian scholar.