Sharon's withdrawal did not advance the peace process because, from the Palestinian perspective, the unilateral pullout took place without negotiation on wider issues affecting both sides.
But it was not the dream offer it has been made out to be, at least not from a Palestinian perspective.
That was an important goal of mine when I came, to make sure the Palestinian perspective was included.
From the Palestinian perspective, Oslo did not work out as intended.
The Palestinian perspective, that they have lost their land and are living under occupation, was effectively absent.
From a Palestinian perspective, the Israelis negotiating in Taba were almost their ideal interlocutors.
The broadcasts carry extensive reports on events in the West Bank and Gaza, but strictly from a Palestinian perspective.
From the Palestinian perspective, the crossings are crucial to the economy of the Gaza Strip and to the daily needs of the population.
A 1993 edited book presented Palestinian and Israeli perspectives on water cooperation.
As for the election result, let us be careful not to analyse it purely from an internal Palestinian perspective.