Mr. Lewis and others treat the Palestinian demonstrations like acts of civil disobedience.
Between 1977 and 1984 there were 11 internal Palestinian demonstrations for every externally generated attack.
He accused the Israeli soldiers of violating an agreement not to use live ammunition and to fire warning shots in the air at any Palestinian demonstration.
Palestinian demonstrations throughout the West Bank that day praised the rocket strikes and called for a new uprising and the abandonment of diplomacy with Israel.
"I don't detect anything but sympathy for the Palestinian demonstrations from any Jordanian, no matter what his background or walk of life," said a Western diplomat.
Palestinian demonstrations continue, but are less intense.
The report from Washington was aired with footage from the Palestinian demonstration in Damascus.
Hamden has left work several times to march in Palestinian demonstrations of support for Saddam Hussein.
He simply said the Palestinian demonstrations hurt their case.
But the theme played loudly in Palestinian demonstrations and elsewhere in the Arab world.