The second man, the Israeli sources said, was taken away in a Palestinian ambulance but was believed to have been killed.
Palestinian ambulances were stopped for checks following the discovery of an explosive belt in a Red Crescent ambulance.
The two were evacuated by Palestinian ambulances, the army added.
Video of an Israeli tank crushing two Palestinian ambulances was shown repeatedly, outraging many viewers.
Israeli troops did not permit journalists, Palestinian ambulances, or the Red Cross into the village today, saying the military operation was still under way.
Behind the Palestinians, five Palestinian ambulances are parked.
The problem is probably that some ambulances, especially the Palestinian ambulances, head right into the middle of the battlefield.
On Sunday night, a Palestinian ambulance arrived at the compound, apparently carrying medications.
The official said there was no information about casualties because Palestinian ambulances took the four men away.
Just moments after the firing ended, a Palestinian ambulance came screaming down the street to the emergency entrance.