When he became Prime Minister in May, there were celebrations in the Pakistani village where he was born and attended the primary school.
They will find out in Pakistani villages where Christian homes have been set afire.
The Pakistani village is 9 km from Athmuqam and roughly 3.5 hours drive from the capital state Muzaffarabad.
The Pakistani village of Mohinuddinpur was described to me by Shamim, a woman who now lives in Bradford.
They currently reside in Pakistani villages like Gilawala and Kaloowala.
In a Pakistani village where everything was made of mud, we discovered that our presence was not welcome.
Sheel was born in the Pakistani village of Naushera in 1936.
The hair loss in the Pakistani village seemed to fit the bill, she said.
But Miandam, like many other Pakistani villages now connected to the outside world by trucks and television, has missed nothing over the last 20 years.
The United States today condemned the bombing raids against Pakistani villages, calling them "the worst single cross-border attack since the war began."