In 2010, approximately 6200 Pakistani scientists, engineers, and mathematicians had attended the college.
The vast interaction among Pakistani scientists who have been drawn not only from research institutes but also from universities and colleges.
Along with other Pakistani scientists, Mehmud's profile and credits have been kept in high level of ambiguity.
This is also being noticed now that taliban have began to target Pakistani scientists and engineers of the strategic organizations.
But other Pakistani scientists, Western experts said, had far greater success in turning the enriched uranium into nuclear warheads.
Officials are questioning at least three Pakistani scientists about reports that they may have sold nuclear weapons technology to Iran.
The interrogations of Pakistani scientists and engineers began several weeks ago.
He read of the death of the Pakistani nuclear scientist last seen in the company leads.
However, none of the senior Pakistani scientists were arrested.
Earlier this year, for example, a Pakistani scientist said Pakistan had developed a bomb.