It was shown to the Pakistani public for the first time on 23 March 1994 at the Pakistan Day Parade.
He blamed the angry reaction by the Pakistani public to side's early exit from the tournament.
The Pakistani public, like the rest of the world, knows little of General Musharraf.
Eight Pakistani public and private sector banks applied for licences to operate in Afghanistan.
Zardari's visit was criticised by much of the Pakistani public.
The Pakistani public has been encouraged to consider its nuclear weapons "Islamic bombs."
Alas, the Pakistani public now does not support the Afghan cause as before, especially in the northwest, despite the ethnic bonds between the refugees and province's people.
The officials noted that the nuclear program is under the control of the Pakistani military and has widespread support from the Pakistani public.
He is increasingly unpopular with the Pakistani public, and has been plagued with health problems which have taken him abroad for treatment at crucial moments.
Washington insisted he had diplomatic immunity but there was a huge clamour from the Pakistani public that he be tried in a criminal court here.