An Indian man held in Pakistani prisons since 1975 as an accused spy walked across the border to freedom 3 March 2008, an unconditional release that Pakistan said was done to improve relations between the two countries.
Mr. Yousef contends that he was being tortured in a Pakistani prison while prosecutors say he was in the Philippines preparing for the bombings.
Or would the story endanger his safety because it would undermine a claim to diplomatic immunity, exposing him to years in a Pakistani prison (not so good for one's health) or even capital punishment?
The trial was highly controversial, as the evidence used to prosecute Thomas consisted solely of an interview conducted in a Pakistani military prison.
Before that, he had spent eight years in a Pakistani prison awaiting trial on corruption and murder charges.
According to this report, Zardari's doctors claim that the Presidential candidate suffered from "dementia, major depressive disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder," presumably resulting from his years in Pakistani prisons.
Last summer, Mr. Shah spent two weeks in solitary confinement in a Pakistani prison, arrested while on his way to Afghanistan to conduct research for a documentary.
Mr. Yousef yoked himself to an untenable alibi by promising to show the jurors that he was in a Pakistani prison when prosecutors said he was planning the attacks in the Philippines.
Bangabandhu flew to London on 8 January 1972 after being released from a Pakistani prison.
She is, of course, now- and will be for a long time- in a Pakistani prison for her efforts.