After the war, a few changes were made to the Pakistan armed forces.
They had been invited by a local tribal leader, but were forced to leave the area after Pakistan forces challenged them.
This company is involved in research and development for electronic equipment for Pakistan armed forces.
The president is commander-in-chief of the Pakistan armed forces.
This guerrilla force used the riverine terrain to its advantage and disrupted the movement of Pakistan armed forces in the region.
The Pakistan forces were unprepared and untrained for such warfare.
The initiative now fully rested with the Pakistan forces after 4 days of bitter fighting.
The main reason for the war was due to tensions breaking out between Pakistan armed forces and Al-Qaeda in 2006.
As dawn arrived, the Pakistan forces had still not taken the post, and were now having to do so in full daylight.
The Pakistan armed forces form a small but significant representation in as well as for the department.