Language may be the biggest barrier that stops parents from becoming PTA members and leaders, and some local chapters are trying ways to eliminate that hurdle.
As PTA members, first-aide volunteers and soccer coaches, they view themselves as model citizens and responsible parents.
She looked like a PTA member, a Girl Scout leader, a cookie baker, someone's mother.
She is a former PTA member and President.
Lucy Rinaldi, the PTA member who runs what the school calls the "afters" program, puzzled over how she would work a language class into the program.
They were family members, friends, neighbors, PTA members, and workers in their communities.
PTA members assist the School in:
Darcy had rallied friends and PTA members to petition the school board against allowing any offensive persons or projects to filter into the school system.
A PTA member who is allied with Flora and her friends.
"You make me feel like something other than a mother and PTA member," she said.