That may be significant for PR purposes, but its a failure for providing energy.
Her 'outing' was brilliant for PR purposes - look how enlightened we are!
It is Jeff Koons turning his most famous steel sculpture - of a balloon - back into real balloon, 50ft high and leasing it for PR purposes to Macy's.
Any company that whines about it at this point but doesn't actually lobby to get software patents banned, period, is just posturing for PR purposes yet again.
The service tends to be mainly populated by PR/Marketing and media types so a lot of "news" tweets have been created for a PR purpose and with a specific agenda in mind.
Sure, we use it for PR purposes, so you can't really call it charity, but at least the money does some good.
He says that, while the Israeli government has used them for PR purposes abroad, it takes entirely different positions when arguing real legal cases before the Israeli Supreme Court.
According to his letter, he was directed by Paul Watson to sink the Ady Gil deliberately for PR purposes after the collision with the Japanese whaling ship.
In some cases, towns have coined names for new metropolitan regions for PR purposes.
This interest in fracking shows how this government just pays lip service to issues like climate change for PR purposes.