The PR machine and the cash drivers have distorted what art actually is.
To watch a big corporation throw its PR machine into action can be kind of imposing.
LEO: Chief marketing officer means the PR machine is in full force.
King George has been having a good run recently seeing through the various PR machines and smoke and mirrors to get to the heart of the issue.
For years, the activists played the media as if they were part of the homeless PR machine.
The gamers themselves have stepped up, and have become their own PR machine, showing the world that our favorite hobby is enjoyed by good, upstanding people.
Sounds like the PR machine is revving up.
So much so he's unable to scramble the PR machine and spin it to his liking.
A - don't understand politics so are influenced primarily by PR machines and soundbites.
We tend to think its the latter, but it wouldn't be the first time a few kinks appeared in Apple's well-oiled PR machine.