Her father was a PLO leader and a politician, he has written over 25 books.
He continued to be PLO leader (sometimes called Chairman, sometimes President) until his death in 2004.
So far, 15 members have been named to the team, which the PLO leader is to chair.
"Things have started to move in a more flexible way than before," said the PLO leader, welcoming the withdrawal of Israeli forces from Jericho.
The PLO leader repeatedly stressed the importance of holding talks on the fate of Jerusalem within three years.
The PLO leader said on the tape that "an agreement can be made with the enemy and then broken as soon as possible."
PLO leaders in Tunis were now studying it, a Palestinian source said.
Then, along with the other PLO leaders, he relocated to Beirut.
He earned the ire of PLO leaders for his role in repressing the revolt.
The Soviet government was very unhappy about the first two PLO leaders.