The "findings of fact" during the antitrust case established that Microsoft has a monopoly in the PC desktop operating systems market:
PC desktop and server revenues were up, as was the company's "embedded" revenue (i.e., mostly non-Atom x86 appliance efforts.)
In the next several years every single PC desktop will need high-performance graphics.
That's why we're now making the information available direct to your PC desktop.
Q. But hasn't the PC desktop been frozen for a long time?
The company is trying to shift the focus of the competition from the PC desktop to the server, according to analysts.
Included software puts a desktop icon on each user's PC desktop and automatically sorts photos, videos and music into folders on the drive.
But none of the competitors have Microsoft's grip on the PC desktop.
With Digital, a minicomputer maker in transition, Compaq is building a computer colossus from the ground up, from the PC desktop into the data center.
Several executives who support Linux said they now felt confident that the free software world will soon have a direct competitor to Windows on the PC desktop.