TV cams enable people to make video "phone" calls using video calling services, like Skype on their TV, without using a PC connection.
Computer users can talk to one another through their PC connections or use a PC to place a call to someone's telephone.
The atmosphere and decor are reminiscent of a comfortable private club - with a gym, sauna, rooftop pool and PC connections in the recently refurbished rooms.
Such connections have higher loss than PC connections, but greatly reduced back reflection, because light that reflects from the angled surface leaks out of the fiber core.
Constructed of simulated leather, this stylish case features a convenient flip-open design that allows for screen viewing, access to controls and PC connection.
For consumers, cloud ready printers eliminate the need for PC connections and print drivers, enabling them to print from mobile devices.
The separate programming tools can be operated in a stand alone mode without a PC connection.
CD-ROM for PC connection.
An early example of PC connection is the Casio FX-603P in conjunction with the Casio FA-6 interface.
The iRad also has an AM/ FM receiver and, with a PC connection, can play stored MP3 files.