Oxford Economics stated in August 2007 that buy to let is "undoubtably contributing to the overvaluation of housing".
The BSA conducts considerable research work has a published substantial research with Oxford Economics into the size of the market across the private and public sectors.
Figures from Oxford Economics show that Scotland spends about £11bn more than it contributes to the Union - the largest "net negative contribution" of any region.
A report by Oxford Economics adds those two together to estimate the total size of the digital economy at $20.4 trillion, equivalent to roughly 13.8% of global sales.
An independent report by Oxford Economics estimates the number of visitors to London for the 2012 Games will be approximately 450,000 staying visitors, taking into account displacement.
Economic Outlook is a quarterly academic journal published by Wiley-Blackwell on behalf of Oxford Economics.
The Financial Times reports that the latest research by economic forecasters Oxford Economics predicts that 294,000 people will visit London during next year's games.
"The actual impacts on confidence and activity were very short-lived and almost imperceptible," said Mr. Walker of Oxford Economics.
The most recent 'Oxford Economics' study of Public Finances I've seen is unequivocal :
And more recently Oxford Economics.