"That still beats Butterfield's Overland Stage by eight days."
The Overland Stage (1927)
"Overland Stage First Mass Transit System".
"Neither horses, mules nor oxen could compete with the iron horse in moving freight overland," an employee of the Overland Stage wrote some 40 years later.
In 1858 the route for the Overland Stage had been organized and incorporated the earlier private company.
One of the many travelers to cross the desert on the Overland Stage was the young humorist Samuel Clemens (later famous as Mark Twain).
The Overland Stage was constantly harassed, and some of the permanent settlements were threatened.
Overland Stage: The Story of the Famous Overland Stagecoaches of the 1860's.
The Overland Stage traveled from Denver to Laramie each day, following much the same route as the present U.S. Highway 287.
(1901) The Overland Stage to California.