Overall unemployment in August 1989 was at a rate of 9.2 percent.
Perhaps overall unemployment cannot fall much more, no matter how tight the labor market becomes.
Overall unemployment is low, the articles noted, and far more new jobs have been created than old ones lost.
Overall unemployment is 28 percent, with 10 percent more no longer looking for work.
If overall unemployment were on the rise, such arguments would probably carry far more weight.
The relationship between overall unemployment and crime is inconsistent.
There are not nearly enough jobs for them, and Israelis have watched nervously as overall unemployment has climbed to 11.5 percent.
One reason for cautious optimism is that overall unemployment has fallen further and stayed down longer than in the 1980's.
While the overall unemployment in Milwaukee is about 5 percent, it's 25 percent among blacks.
Historically, changes in the economy have had a larger effect on youth unemployment than overall unemployment.