However, book reviews are still published in the Outlook section on Sundays and in the Style section the rest of the week, as well as online.
- "Truth or Consequences: If a Company Lies, Employees Should be Able to Sue," Washington Post, Sunday June 28, 1998, Outlook section.
From 1986 to 1990, he was the editor of the "Outlook" section of the Post .
The Post's "Outlook" section surveys candidate statements on campaign finance reform.
Wallis' opinion piece in "The Washington Post" Sunday Outlook section describes the role he and other faith leaders played.
The one occasion he kept the Outlook section of the WASHINGTON POST was when it did profiles on the three ministers from London.
Jodie Allen, the departing editor of the Outlook section of The Washington Post, will be the Washington editor, based in the capital.
"Bush Still Doesn't Get It" featured in the Outlook section of the Washington Post July 22, 2007.
His shorter public criticisms of The Post are lobbed like hand grenades into its Outlook section every Sunday.
Writing in the "Outlook" section of the Washington Post last Sunday, leading Republican hawk Richard Perle tried to explain.