Supporting Jewish Music MAY 18 - The Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion will honor Alan Menken, the Oscar-winning composer, at the Pierre.
The familiar Godfather theme leads the soundtrack, with 100 minutes of new music written by Bill Conti, an Oscar-winning composer.
The musicians in the symphony are best known for their collaborations with Oscar-winning composer Michael Giacchino, who had worked with them on such film and TV projects as Alias, Lost, Star Trek and Super 8.
Property values have soared recently in North Salem, which counts among its residents Alan Mencken, the Oscar-winning composer, and David Letterman.
The music was composed by twice Oscar-winning composer, Gustavo Santaolalla.
An Oscar-winning composer and Grammy-winning rapper will handle the music at the 84th annual Academy Awards.
Carmine Coppola, a conductor and Oscar-winning composer for his son's film "The Godfather Part II," died yesterday morning at Northridge (Calif.) Hospital Medical Center.
On Friday and Saturday evenings at 8, Bill Conti, the Oscar-winning composer whose credits include "Rocky" and "The Right Stuff," will lead the Hartford Pops at Bushnell Hall.
AP - Fri, Dec 9, 2011 11:53 AM EST An Oscar-winning composer and Grammy-winning rapper will handle the music at the 84th annual Academy Awards.
The rustic privacy of North Salem has attracted some rich and famous people, including Alan Mencken, the Oscar-winning composer.